As of today, I finally decided to retire the Christian Forum Site’s Topsites page which displayed more than 500 manually approved Christian website links. After about 6 years of successfully running this link exchange program, I had to make this decision because of the amount of spam sites that has been registering via the program software. I have not accepted any spam site but it is has become a huge task for me to look through the spam registrations just to approve a few legit links. As of now, I have 64,608 registrations pending approval and no way will I be able to go through each one of them. Also this link exchange program software has been draining a lot of my server resources and hence slowing down my other websites. If you were part of this program, I would recommend that you delete our code from your website. Instead you can join, our active Christian community and post your link in our Site Showcase forum. I also want to thank you for being part of the link exchange program while it lasted. For memory sake, here is the last full home page screenshot I took.