Jesus said in Luke 6:47 – “I will show you what itโs like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and then follows it.”
Jesus, the savior of the world is giving us an illustration of who we are like if we:
1. Come to Him
2. Listen to His teaching
3. Follow it
This verse teaches us three things, that we should do as Christians. Firstly we must come to Him, in prayer, praise and fellowship. Most importantly, we should have a personal time with Him whenever we are able, to maintain a personal relationship. Secondly, we must listen to His teaching, in prayer, at Church and most importantly during our time of personal devotion in the Word of God. The Word of God is to be learnt by us, otherwise we do not know what to do when we lack sound guidance. Thirdly, we must put into practice what we have heard or read from the Word of God.
Now, doing either of these and forgetting the rest is not an option. Just coming to God in prayer does not give us insights into how we need to live our life and therefore we may continue to make mistakes. Just reading the Word of God still does not help. There are many Bible scholars who do not walk in the light. Trying to follow Jesus, without having a personal relationship with Him or not knowing what the Word says, is like following an fantasy Christ. All three when they come together, according to Jesus is like a man building a house on a solid foundation.
The Building of the house is the action, the solid foundation is the Word of God and prayer gives this work its purpose. Jesus begun laying the foundation and working on God’s house. He says in Luke 2:49 – …..”Didn’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house?”. So Jesus has begun and we are building on the foundation He laid. Remember, we are builders, not by-standers. Such a house, will with stand all types of pressure because it is well built.
Some of us, back-slide as Christians because we are either not praying, or reading/listening to the Word or putting it into practice. Yes, we can be Christians and fall at times. We must get back and do what Jesus told us to do. Lay a strong foundation and now we know how.
Be Blessed.
Very nice thoughts…’Go to Jesus, listen to Him and practice it…’ only then we can stand strong and bear good fruits.
Yes Phebes, thank you for reading and sharing. ๐
great message, God Bless.
Thank you Sunichechi. God bless you.
keep writting for the Glory of the Lord.God Bless you both…
Subject: [jeffin] Re: Threefold Christian Duties